Pope: Fake News Invented by Satan

In this year’s Message for World Communications Day, which falls on May 13, Pope Francis delivers a blistering critique of fake news, equating it to the “snake-tactics” of the devil who used it to fool Eve, and said it’s only purpose is to the “deceive and manipulate the reader.”

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Don’t Believe Everything You Read in Polls

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Writer

Not only is the media biased in favor of Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL), but so are their polls. So says one of the country’s most respected pollsters and warns that supporters of the Democratic candidate are using inflated numbers to try to convince the public the race is over even before a single vote has been cast.

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Press Using Governor Palin’s Faith Against Her

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Writer

In an effort to present Republican vice-presidential candidate Governor Sarah Palin’s religious affiliations in the same extreme light as those of Democratic presidential candidate Senator Barack Obama (D-IL), the press is trying to create a “Jeremiah Wright-style” scandal out of Governor Palin’s evangelical roots.

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