The Dark Side of Those Warm and Fuzzy “Chicken Soup for the Soul” Books

Photo by Nguyen Thu Hoai on Unsplash

Many of our blogs come about as a result of readers who give us “tips” about a fad or personality that warrant more research. This is what happened with the popular books, Chicken Soup for the Soul. Thanks to that reader’s tip, we unearthed a goldmine of vital information about these “warm and fuzzy” books that we all need to know about!

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Vision Boards and Magical Thinking

PM writes: “I was wondering if someone can be clear on the dangers of Dream Boards or Vision Boards. Is this New Age? I was invited to a party of with a group of women cutting out pictures of their wishes and glue them to a board to hang up and look at each day hoping that the ‘Universe’ will provide them all the wishes on their boards.”

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