Study: Children of Sperm Donors Experiencing Unique Identity Problems

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Journalist

A new study has found that children conceived by in vitro fertilization who do not know their biological fathers struggle with questions of identity and suffer from higher rates of depression, isolation, delinquency and substance abuse compared to children raised by two parents.

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Couple Implanted with Wrong Embryo at Fertility Clinic

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Writer

A mix-up at a fertility clinic resulted in a woman becoming pregnant with a child who was not her own. Although these mistakes usually result in abortions, the couple decided to go through with the pregnancy and will give the baby to his biological parents.

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U.S. Clinic to Offer Designer Babies

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Writer

For a mere $18,000, a Los Angeles fertility clinic run by an in vitro fertilization pioneer is offering the same technology used to detect inherited diseases in embryos to produce “designer babies” with specific traits such as hair and eye color. The first trait selection baby is expected to be born next year.

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