Study Sheds New Light on Risks of Birth Defects and Assisted Reproduction

In the most comprehensive study of its kind, researchers have compared the risks of major birth defects to the different types of assisted reproductive therapies used, as well as for those resulting from frozen embryos the fertility drugs.

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IVF: Assisted or Artifical? by Melissa Foley


Get this. In 1971, the UK Medical Research Council refused on ethical grounds Robert Edwards and Patrick Steptoe, the first scientists to successfully use IVF, long-term support for their medical and scientific research on “Studies on Human Reproduction”. The Council was concerned with “patient safety and offspring abnormality”. However, the team moved forward with a large amount of private money and made history with the birth of the first “test-tube baby,” Louise Brown. Read the rest…

NJ Court Rules Mother Must Adopt Child Conceived Through IVF

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Journalist

In a decision that could have a far-reaching impact on couples who choose in vitro fertilization (IVF) and surrogacy to start a family, a New Jersey court has ruled that a woman cannot be named the mother of a child she did not give birth to, and with whom she has no genetic links.

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Fertility Clinic MixUp Results in Death of Embryos

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Journalist

A mix up in a prominent Connecticut fertility clinic resulted in a woman being implanted with the wrong embryos. After discovering the error, the woman chose to take the morning after pill to prevent a possible pregnancy.

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