French Bishops Say “No!” to IVF for Single Women & Lesbians

As French lawmakers begin debate on a controversial new law that will allow single women and lesbians to have access to assisted procreation, the French bishops are warning that this law places the desire of adults above the welfare of children.

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The Ultimate Discrimination: “Family Balancing”

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

A New Jersey couple, who invested $25K and sacrificed the lives of four other embryos to insure they would have a baby girl, are just one example among many who see nothing wrong with a new trend called “family balancing.”

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Women Sour on Egg-Freez Fad

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

The young woman who championed the idea of professional women freezing their eggs so that they could become mothers after meeting their career goals, found out the hard way that there’s only one true Author of life – and He has His own plan.

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