The Portiuncula Indulgence: Gift of Jesus, Gift of Francis

Painting of the vision of St. Francis in the Portiuncula – Bartolome Esteban Murello (1617-1682)

Legends abound surrounding the life and times of Francis, the saintly little poor man of Assisi (1182 – 1226): his affinity for all of nature, preaching to the birds, taming the ravenous wolf, recreating the Christmas crèche, receiving the sacred stigmata. What is not so well known is the role Saint Francis played in the bestowal of an amazing gift from a gracious God to His creatures.

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World Youth Day Indulgences Available for All

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Writer

Even those who can’t make it to World Youth Day activities in Sydney next week can still gain a special Indulgence by agreeing to pray to the Holy Spirit to ask Him to inspire our young people to charity and give them the strength to proclaim the Gospel with their lives.

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