US Bishops Condemn Approval of Over-the-Counter Oral Contraceptive

The US Bishops have strongly condemned the recent decision by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to approve the oral contraceptive, OPILL, to be dispensed over-the-counter, calling the decision medically irresponsible because it puts womens’ health at risk.

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Are Women Fed Up With the Pill?

An article appearing in Vogue UK says that side-effects of synthetic hormones are making more and more young women turn away from the pill and toward natural family methods that once used to be passed off as the old-fashioned “rhythm method.”

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Legal Brief Challenges Scientific Validity of HHS Mandate

A second brief in support of a case challenging the contentious HHS mandate was filed on Friday and contends that the Institute of Medicine based its conclusions that mandating insurance coverage for birth control, sterilization and abortifacient drugs on incomplete and biased scientific information.

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