Obama Invites Homosexual Band to Inaugural Parade

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Writer

President-elect Barack Obama has invited the Lesbian and Gay Band Association to march in the Inaugural Parade. This is the same band that plans to march in this year’s homosexual “Southern Decadence” festival, which is famous for its public lewd acts.

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Homosexual Activists Reveal Plan for Destroying Marriage in America

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Writer

(June 20, 2008) Nine homosexual activist groups have made a copy of their battle plan for achieving same-sex marriage in America available to the public. Experts say it’s a “boil the frog in the water” plan meant to gradually desensitizes Americans to the idea so that one day they “simply wake up and same-sex ‘marriage’ has become commonplace.” Read the rest…