Why People Believe Alternatives Work…Even When They Don’t

Have you ever wondered why people are so convinced that therapies work, even when there is no science to prove it? Almost every New Age alternative has a website full of testimonials from people who really believe the technique worked. Are these people lying or just deluded?

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There’s a Difference Between Homeopathy and Natural Remedies

TG writes: “I recently stumbled upon a few of your blog posts about homeopathy. I was recently introduced to homeopathy by a large group of very devout and influential Catholic women, so I was rather startled to see your blog post. I come from a family where almost everyone is in the medical profession, so I never really questioned conventional medicine. Once I was introduced to these women, I began to feel like I was ignorant or blind by subscribing to conventional medicine and I began to question whether or conventional medicine (like antibiotics or medicine during childbirth) was equivalent of sinning through negligence…

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Study: Homeopathy Puts People at Risk

MD001215A team of experts in Australia has analyzed 225 existing studies on the efficacy of homeopathic formulas and has reached the same conclusion as so many other scientists these days – homeopathic medicines are “no more effective than placebo” in treating health problems.

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The Troubled History of Glyconutrients

ambrotoseJW writes: “I have a question about one of your blogs on Women of Grace where you mentioned that if science is not backing something we should not use it. I have used a nutritional supplement [Ambrotose] for over 14 years with wonderful health benefits. With the discovery of the product there were only the testimonies of the benefits people were seeing. . . .

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German Catholic Doctors Spark Outrage by Offering Homeopathic Treatment for Homosexuality

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Journalist

Germany’s Union of Catholic Physicians (UCP), which admits that it does not represent official Catholic positions, has sparked outrage over its claim that treatments such as homeopathy can be used to keep homosexual inclinations at bay.

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