Election 2012 + The Catholic Vote by Mary Jo Anderson

The “Catholic vote” is never a sure thing. Politicians have learned that Catholics are not a unified voice nor a unified voting block–too bad. If we Catholics voted according to the teachings of the Church, we could bring about enormous good for our nation. Read the rest…

An Urgent Call… “For Such A Time As This”

Our nation is in the midst of its own “Battle of Lepanto.” Our temporal order – the institutions and enterprises of man, his culture and his society – has been infiltrated by an anti-life, anti-Gospel, anti-Church agenda.  The “final confrontation” intimated by Karol Cardinal Wojtyla when he addressed the United States Bishops in 1976 seems to have arrived. From Cairo and the Middle East, to Congress and the Senate, to the attack against the union of one man and one woman in marriage, to the proliferation of the morally reprehensible, to the efforts of Planned Parenthood and sex education in our schools, we see the frontal attack of the “Agenda of the Anti-.“ As Women of Grace® “impregnated with the spirit of the gospel” we must respond. Read the rest…

House Speaker Gives Up on Passing Senate Version of Health Care Reform

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Journalist

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) announced today that unless the Senate version of health care reform can be substantially amended, the bill cannot pass the House, thus eliminating the White House’s last best hope for passing a bill anytime soon.

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No More “Full Speed Ahead” on Health Care Reform

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Journalist

Within 24 hours of the historic election in Massachusetts that robbed the Senate of its filibuster-proof super-majority, the White House and Congressional leaders are beginning to concede that their plans to “ram through” a health care reform package before the President’s first State of the Union address on Jan. 27 may have to be shelved.

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“Boston Tea Party” Imperils Health Care Reform

by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Journalist
The site of the original tea party was the scene of a stunning victory for conservative Americans whose “tea party” fervor fueled the election of Massachusetts GOP State Senator Scott Brown into the Senate seat left vacant by the death of Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-MA). Brown ran on a fiscally conservative platform and made repeated promises to “kill” the massively unpopular health care reform bill which many believe is now doomed.

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U.S. Bishops Ask Parishes to Help Stop Abortion Funding in Health Care Reform

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Journalist

The U.S. Bishops are once again sending out bulletin inserts and pulpit announcements to the nation’s parishes with the hopes of inspiring to Catholics to become active in the effort to prevent health care reform from advancing a pro-abortion agenda.

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New Citizen Movement Demanding C-SPAN Coverage of Health Care Debate

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Journalist

“Demand an end to the secret negotiations!” says the website of a new citizen movement that is putting  pressure on lawmakers to give the public access to health care reform negotiations by televising them on C-SPAN.

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Lawmakers Plan for Speedy Health Reform Passage

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Journalist

Congressional leaders are indicating that they plan to bypass a formal conference committee to hash out health care reform differences between the House and Senate, and will probably craft the final bill out of the public eye and behind closed doors.

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