Young Mother Sues After Being Labeled a “Terrorist”

After a New Jersey mother of two complained on Facebook about inappropriate posters detailing various kinds of sexuality being displayed at her children’s school, she was branded a “terrorist” by local police and military. She is now suing those involved for violating her right to free speech.

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Smithsonian in Legal Trouble Over Pro-Life Student Incident

After employees of the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum kicked out a dozen Catholic high school students for wearing hats inscribed with pro-life messages after the Pro Life March, the institution has been put on notice to prepare for further action by both the U.S. Congress and a law firm that is now representing six of the students.

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How Political Correctness is Silencing America

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

A new study has found that free speech in America may be on its way to becoming just another phrase in a text book as a majority of Americans now admit that they keep silent rather than speak out of fear of reprisals.

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Free Speech is Not (Quite) Dead!

stk18682svnCommentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

Even though headlines are screaming, “Free speech for me, but not for thee,” not all of today’s youth have bought into the prevailing call-everyone-who-disagrees-with-me-a-hater movement in America – such as those that are participating in today’s Day of Dialogue.

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Powerful Pro-Marriage Video Goes Viral!

After reading story after story about Christians who are being forced to accept homosexual unions, most of us have figured out by now that tolerance is not the real aim of the same-sex marriage movement in America – it’s about silencing or punishing anyone who doesn’t agree with them.

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