Reflections for the Fortnight for Freedom – Day 6

These reflections and readings from the Vatican II document Declaration on Religious Liberty (Dignitatis Humanae) are intended for daily use during the Fortnight for Freedom, a national campaign designated by the U.S. Catholic bishops for teaching and witness in support of religious liberty. The readings and the questions that follow can be used for group discussion or for personal reflection. Read the rest…

Reflections for the Fortnight for Freedom – Day 5

These reflections and readings from the Vatican II document Declaration on Religious Liberty (Dignitatis Humanae) are intended for daily use during the Fortnight for Freedom, a national campaign designated by the U.S. Catholic bishops for teaching and witness in support of religious liberty. The readings and the questions that follow can be used for group discussion or for personal reflection. Read the rest…

Reflections for the Fortnight for Freedom – Day 4

These reflections and readings from the Vatican II document Declaration on Religious Liberty (Dignitatis Humanae) are intended for daily use during the Fortnight for Freedom, a national campaign designated by the U.S. Catholic bishops for teaching and witness in support of religious liberty. The readings and the questions that follow can be used for group discussion or for personal reflection. Read the rest…

Reflections for the Fortnight for Freedom – Day 3

These reflections and readings from the Vatican II document Declaration on Religious Liberty (Dignitatis Humanae) are intended for daily use during the Fortnight for Freedom, a national campaign designated by the U.S. Catholic bishops for teaching and witness in support of religious liberty. The readings and the questions that follow can be used for group discussion or for personal reflection. Read the rest…

Reflections for the Fortnight for Freedom – Day 2

These reflections and readings from the Vatican II document Declaration on Religious Liberty (Dignitatis Humanae) are intended for daily use during the Fortnight for Freedom, a national campaign designated by the U.S. Catholic bishops for teaching and witness in support of religious liberty. The readings and the questions that follow can be used for group discussion or for personal reflection. Read the rest…

Fortnight for Freedom Kicks Off Today!

Catholics across the country are embarking on an unprecedented two-week campaign of rallies, marches, lectures and prayer to galvanize opposition to the Obama Administration’s birth control mandate that will strip the faithful of their religious liberty by forcing them to cover healthcare that violates their consciences.

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Reflections for the Fortnight for Freedom – Day 1

We will be reprinting portions of the following reflections from the USCCB website in honor of the Fortnight for Freedom campaign.

These reflections and readings from the Vatican II document Declaration on Religious Liberty (Dignitatis Humanae) are intended for daily use during the Fortnight for Freedom, a national campaign designated by the U.S. Catholic bishops for teaching and witness in support of religious liberty. The readings and the questions that follow can be used for group discussion or for personal reflection. Read the rest…

Fortnight For Freedom Planned to be a Great Hymn of Prayer for Nation

Plans for the nationwide Fortnight for Freedom program, an unprecedented campaign sponsored by the U.S. Catholic Church to call attention to the critical role of religious liberty in American society, will begin with Mass in the nation’s oldest diocese, include protests, prayer and fasting at the parish level, and will conclude with the ringing of the bells in every Catholic steeple in America at 12 noon on July 4.

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