Alive from New York: 4-D Ultrasound Coming to Times Square Jumbotron

On May 4, promoters of New York’s radical new abortion law will have no where to hide from the facts of life when the massive digital marquee in Times Square is lit up with the 4-D ultrasound of a third-trimester pregnancy that clearly shows just how alive and human are the babies the state’s new law is allowing to be killed.

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Bring Your Bible to School Day is October 4!

More than a half-million students across the U.S. are planning to bring their bibles to school on October 4 to exercise their freedom of speech by openly sharing their faith on campus.

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Pentagon Rescinds Invitation to Franklin Graham

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Journalist

Complaints about comments made about Islam by evangelist Franklin Graham in the wake of Sept. 11 have caused the Pentagon to rescind its invitation to the preacher to attend its May 6 National Day of Prayer event.

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