What are New Age Portals?

Glastonbury, UK

AE writes: “A friend of ours came to visit us last weekend. Her husband noticed that we had a moon and the sun facing each other (made of clay . . .) hanging on the center of our shed in our back yard. He told me that it is bad. He told me a little bit about the portal. What else are portals? Today, father Ed was talking about portals, but it is not clear to me.”

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What to do With Glastonbury Water

The ruins of Glastonbury Abbey

                          The ruins of Glastonbury Abbey

SW writes: “I had a friend who was into New age religion, but I didn’t know it. . . .She gave me some water from Glastonbury which I took to be like holy water. But I never used it. What is the proper way to get rid of it. Can I just throw it in the trash? Pour it down the drain? Does it need to be exorcised? Please help. I don’t want to keep it.”

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