Vatican Issues Note on Artificial Intelligence

The Vatican has issued a Note on artificial intelligence (AI) which highlights the challenges and the opportunities in the development of AI in various fields, such as education, relationships, work, health, the economy, and warfare.

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Abortion Supporters Score Political Points with Fake News

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

Abortion supporters are resorting to all kinds of fabrications to manipulate public opinion in the wake of the overturning of Roe v. Wade. The story of a 10-year-old girl impregnated through rape who was forced across state lines for an abortion, and claims that women with ectopic pregnancies who seek abortions may end up behind bars, are just two examples of the kind of baseless hysteria we can all expect in the months ahead.

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Covington Video Fiasco Continues to Unravel

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

Nearly a week after the mainstream media promulgated a highly edited video that made a group of Catholic high school boys appear to be mocking a Native American at the March for Life, a whole different story has emerged – and it’s leaving both the press and the Native American involved with a whole lot of egg on their face.

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Pope: Fake News Invented by Satan

In this year’s Message for World Communications Day, which falls on May 13, Pope Francis delivers a blistering critique of fake news, equating it to the “snake-tactics” of the devil who used it to fool Eve, and said it’s only purpose is to the “deceive and manipulate the reader.”

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Why Should Facebook Censor Pro-Life News?

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

In what is the umpteenth example of pro-abortion hypocrisy, a New York Times editorial by an abortion activist is calling upon Facebook to censor “fake news” sites like Life News for spreading what she calls “false information” about abortion and its impact on women, the unborn, and society.

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