Big Sis is Watching You!

Those of us who love to keep up with our world via Twitter, Facebook and other social media need to be aware that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is increasing its surveillance of these sites in an attempt to pre-empt any sign of civil unrest in the country.

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Was the Norway Shooter Really a Fundamentalist Christian?

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Journalist

Assertions that Anders Breivik, the man who killed 93 people while on a bombing and shooting spree in Oslo, Norway last week, is a Fundamentalist Christian not only appears to be a media fabrication, but there is also some evidence that the killer’s Facebook page declaring him to be a Christian conservative was tampered with.

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Prominent Psychiatrist Under Investigation for Lewd Photos

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Journalist  

Dr. Joseph Kenan, president of the American Society for Adolescent Psychiatry, is under investigation by the Medical Board of California after posting lewd photos of himself on Facebook and allegedly promoting illegal drug use and male prostitution.

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Study: Majority of Americans Post Risky Information On-Line

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Journalist

A new study conducted by Consumer Reports magazine has found that a majority of Americans continue to post detailed personal information on social networking sites such as Facebook and MySpace in spite of the high risk of cyber crime.

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Catholic Mom Creates “Creeper-free” Social Network for Youth

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Writer 

A Catholic mom posing as a teen on social networking sites like MySpace and Facebook discovered these sites to be a “cultural wasteland” full of sexual inuendo and pornography where thousands of registered sex offenders freely roam. In an effort to offer kids a safer place to socialize on line, this tech savvy mother of five decided to create one herself.

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