Man Cleared After Killing Mother Who Had Alzheimer’s

A 53-year-old man, who threw his mother off of a balcony to her death because she was suffering from Alzheimers disease was cleared of murder by a judge who said he “acted out of love” – a decision that is raising troubling new ethical questions.

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French Court Orders Man’s Life Support Resumed

Just hours after a French hospital withdrew nutrition and hydration to a young man who has been in a vegetative state since a motorcycle accident in 2008, a French court intervened and ordered the hospital to restore life support.

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Seminarian With Brain Cancer Addresses Brittany Maynard

Philip Johnson

Philip Johnson

A young seminarian with incurable brain cancer is praying that 29 year-old Brittany Maynard, who is suffering the same plight and publicly announced plans to take her life with prescription drugs on November 1, is asking her to choose to fight instead so that her life and witness can be an example and inspiration to others.

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