Walking Barefoot and Essential Oils: Healing or Hype?

ML writes: “Many of my friends, suspicious of modern medicine, are turning to nutritional therapies including essential oils.  I dabbled in the New Age years ago, although the dabbling got me too close to the fire, so to speak.  As my faith life grew, and I began to abandon my New Age philosophies, I began to experience bizarre physical symptoms which I knew were spiritual in origin. Thanks to my wonderful, faithful husband, I got to a priest for deliverance prayer.

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doTERRA & Essential Oil Quality

A writes: “I have a question about the company doTerra. I use essential oils on a limited basis on myself and in my practice. I love to use peppermint and eucalyptus to open up the sinuses and for relieving headaches. And many of my clients love the scent of lavender and lemon which seems to help them relax and “settle into” the massage. I have recently begun questioning the integrity of the oils that I have been using, and have made the switch to buying doTerra oils. I have discussed this with my GP and she advised that I stay away from the blends, but that the single oils are of good quality. Do you know anything about the company and its founders? I have heard they are Mormon and use some of the proceeds for charities.”

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