Nine Ways to Spot Non-Christian Healing Techniques

LV writes: “I’m so tired of trying to figure out if an alternative is related to the New Age or not. Are there any guidelines Christians can use to help them discern what’s okay and what isn’t from a spiritual perspective?”

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A Pseudoscience Known as Craniosacral Therapy

PT asks: “I am writing you about craniosacral treatment. It is a kind of massage, physical therapy variant. In the Vatican document it is not referred to directly but I understand that it is based on oriental “energy” belief system. Would it be possible for you to enlighten me about this some more. People have been asking me.”

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Support Legitimate Massage Therapists, Not Energy Workers!

KW writes: “I am a massage therapist in Colorado. I grew up Catholic, but have just in the last year or so started really reading and studying my faith. I became a massage therapist about a year ago, and really am just learning about all the new age stuff associated with massage (and there is a ton!!). I have read many of your blogs, and have found them very helpful. I do have a couple questions though. . . .

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