Divining the Future with Pendulums and Dowsing Rods

CS asks: “What do you know about a technique called dowsing or water witching, supposedly to locate water under the ground, but also to locate things with a rod in a Y shape? It does not seem like something harmful to be in search of water. However, there is also something called dowsing with a pendulum made out of a metal like brass or other materials that is attached to a string. Apparently, you would tell it that if it swings in a circle, this means ‘yes’ and if it swings in a straight line, this means ‘no’; and then you ask it a question and your answer is the direction that it swings. I have seen this done and it seems like something one should not be doing. I am not sure if I should tell the people that are doing it that it is wrong or not.”

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Can a Pendulum Predict a Baby’s Sex?

JH writes: “I cant find much on the topic but am curious if the pendulum wives tale (tie a ring on a string) to predict baby gender falls into a superstition/new age category to be avoided? I tried this recently and have found it to be very accurate on multiple occasions. If there is any validity to the results I’d like to believe there is a God given explanation that is scientifically based (even if yet discovered). . . .”

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