Is it Racist for White People to Have Babies?

A City University of New York (CUNY) professor is under fire today after sending out a tweetstorm of criticism of the “white nuclear family,” saying white couples who have babies and who leave their homes to their children are perpetuating the problem of white supremacy.

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US Bishops Condemn “Extreme” Executive Order

usccbThe U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) is expressing great concern about  President Obama’s July 21 executive order which prohibits federal government contractors from what the Administration deems “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” discrimination.

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Reverse Discrimination Backfires on UPS

The Family Research Council (FRC), one of the nation’s premier pro-family organizations, announced yesterday that it would cease using United Parcel Service (UPS) as its primary package distributor in the wake of UPS’s decision to cease funding the Boy Scouts of America because of the Scouts’ longstanding policy of not accepting openly homosexual Scout leaders or members.

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