Now is the Time to Demand Ethical COVID-19 Vaccines!

In the rush to create a vaccine to protect the public from the coronavirus, pharmaceutical companies are once again resorting to the use of aborted fetal cell lines. Now is the time to do as our Church advises and exercise our duty to demand that the healthcare system provide ethical vaccines.

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Second Company Stops Using Aborted Fetal Cell Lines to Test Flavors

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Journalist

Less than a week after the pro life group, Children of God for Life, announced a boycott of companies associated with Senomyx, a biotech firm that uses aborted fetal cell lines to test their artificial flavor enhancers, a second company has announced that they have disaffiliated themselves with the firm.

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Biotech Company Using Aborted Fetal Cell Lines in Testing

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Journalist

Children of God for Life (COG) is calling for a public boycott of major food companies such as Pepsico, Kraft Foods, Solae, and Nestle who are partnering with Senomyx, a biotech company that produces artificial flavor enhancers using aborted fetal cell lines to test their products.

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