Don’t Settle for Meditation Gimmicks!

LC writes: “I was a little disappointed to learn that eastern meditation is not recommended for Christians.  I felt that the last one I did by Deepak Chopra led me to the Daniel fast which ultimately changed my life. I started this meditation challenge also by Deepak Chopra and instead of saying the Hindu mantra, I meditate on the actual phrase. For example “I am a radiant and spiritual being.” Is that such a bad thing if I also incorporate prayer in my life and keep Christianity first?”

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Why centering prayer should not be taught to children

JD writes: “I tuned into your program on the New Age movement and it suddenly brought a question to light for me. Last week I purchased a children’s book entitled Journey to the Heart – Centering Prayer for Children by Frank X. Jelenek. I purchased this at a very conservative Catholic bookstore with the intention of reading it to my daughter’s kindergarten class at a Catholic school. After your show, I pulled out the book and found no apparent “Catholic” connection  within the book. The content is a little concerning in light of your program. Is it possible for you to comment on the legitmacy/intention of this book and if it is or is not recommended by you.”

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The Dangers of Mixing Christian and Non-Christian Forms of Worship

It’s trendy these days to incorporate non-Christian forms of worship into Christian practices, but Scripture is replete with warnings from the Lord about why this fad should be avoided.

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Spanish Bishops Warn Catholics About Mindfulness

The Commission for the Doctrine of the Faith for Spain’s Bishops Conference has issued a document warning Catholics that they risk abandoning the faith by using mindfulness and other methods of meditation that do not originate in Christianity.

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