He sees Himself in you

March 5

“Each finite creature can reflect only a fraction of the divine nature; thus, in the diversity of His creatures, God’s infinity, unity and oneness appear to be broken into an effulgence of manifold rays.”

-St. Teresa Benedicta

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Pray for the salvation of their souls

March 3

“On the question of relating to our fellow man – our neighbor’s spiritual need transcends every commandment. Everything else we do is a means to an end. But love is an end already, since God is love.”

-St. Teresa Benedicta

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Will you welcome your cross?

March 1

“One can only gain a scientia crucis (knowledge of the cross) if one has thoroughly experienced the cross. I have been convinced of this from the first moment onwards and have said with all my heart: ‘Ave, Crux, Spes unica’ (I welcome you, Cross, our only hope).”

-St. Teresa Benedicta



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Inspires the hearts of others

February 28

Characteristics of the Catholic Woman Leader

  1. Is great-souled (magnanimous)
  2. Has the heart of a handmaid
  3. Demonstrates receptivity, trust, and surrender to the will of God
  4. Inspires the hearts of others through her words and deeds
  5. Leads others to be leaders
  6. Faithfully fulfills her call to spiritual maternity in the ordinary and extraordinary
  7. Is shaped by the teachings of Sacred Scripture and the Holy Catholic Church

-Johnnette Benkovic Williams

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The Church needs you

February 27

“Christ has no body but yours,

No hands, no feet on earth but yours,

Yours are the eyes with which he looks

Compassion on this world,

Yours are the feet with which he walks to do good,

Yours are the hands, with which he blesses all the world.

Yours are the hands, yours are the feet,

Yours are the eyes, you are his body.

Christ has no body now but yours,

No hands, no feet on earth but yours,

Yours are the eyes with which he looks

compassion on this world.

Christ has no body now on earth but yours.”

-St. Teresa of Avila

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