God is with us!

March 17

Christ with me,

Christ before me,

Christ behind me,

Christ within me,

Christ below me,

Christ above me,

Christ at my right,

Christ at my left,

Christ in lying down,

Christ in sitting,

Christ in rising up,

Christ in the heart of every man who thinks of me,

Christ in the mouth of every man who speaks to me,

Christ in every eye that sees me,

Christ in every ear that hears me.

-St. Patrick of Ireland

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I will console you in your pains

March 12

“If you stay close to my Sorrowful Heart, I will defend you in your spiritual battles with the devil and I will protect you in every instant of your life. I will console you in your pains and I will accompany you in your work. At the moment of death, my Son and I will be your eternal consolation and joy.”

-St. Bridget of Sweden

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The grain of faith

March 10

“For in this century, we must no longer count on men to preserve the faith. The grain of faith that will be saved will hide itself among women. A woman cannot remain neutral in the world. She too is set for the fall and resurrection of many.”

-St. Madeline Sophie Barat

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