Talk with God

March 4

“We need to be thoroughly convinced of the fact that all God asks of us, in
this conversation, is good will. A soul pestered by distractions, who patiently
comes back each day, like a good child, to talk with God, is making first-rate
mental prayer. God supplies all our deficiencies.”

Dom Jean-Baptiste Chautard, OCSO
Soul of the Apostolate


Today’s Reflection

Are you a “soul pestered by distractions?” Make a resolution this Lent to set aside a specific time for prayer every day and be faithful to this time no matter what. Let God supply for all your deficiencies and persist.

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Are you listening?

March 3
“Prayer’s worth and progress depend not so much on growth in quantity
as on increase in quality”
-Fr. Segundo Galilea
Temptation and Discernment
Today’s Reflection
Do you do most of the talking in prayer? How much of your prayer time is spent listening to God or to simply sitting in silence and enjoying His company? Five minutes of quiet listening can greatly improve the quality of your prayer!

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Jesus, be with me

March 2

“Jesus, be with me.”

-Brother Lawrence of the Resurrection


Today’s Reflection

Sometimes a prayer as simple as this can be enough to remind ourselves that God is dwelling within us and is eager to share all the moments of our lives with us – even the most mundane! Invoke His name often and let Him bless every moment of your day!

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The Kingdom of God is within you

March 1

“The Kingdom of God is within you”
-Luke 17:21
Today’s Reflection
Jesus told us that His Kingdom is within us, but how seriously do we take this truth? How often do you “check in” with the God who is dwelling within you each day? How aware are you of His presence? Ask the Holy Spirit to awaken you to the reality of this glorious truth!

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Prayer transforms

February 28

“Advancing communion with God does not happen in isolation
from the rest of life.”

-Fr. Thomas Dubay, Fire Within


Today’s Reflection

Prayer is not meant to be a pious exercise that occupies a few minutes of our time every day. It is meant to be deeply and personally transforming. How is your prayer life impacting the rest of your life? Are you growing in humility, patience, temperance, love of neighbor?

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Be determined

February 27

“Be determined to be determined.”

-St. Teresa of Avila


Today’s Reflection

It’s easy to lose heart in prayer when we’re assailed by distractions and dryness, but the resolute soul knows that these are the times when our prayer gains the most merit because it is then that we are praying for God’s sake, and not for our own satisfaction. Ask the Spirit to help you to stick to your life of prayer, no matter what!

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Trust in Him

February 26

“The closer one approaches to God, the simpler one becomes.”
-St. Teresa of Avila


Today’s Reflection

A deeper relationship with God, which in turn deepens our trust in Him, inevitably leads to a release of many of our worries and anxieties as we learn how to “cast all our cares upon Him because He cares for us” (1 Peter 5:7). What worries and anxieties would you like to cast upon Him today?

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Prayer is an act of love

February 25

“Prayer is an act of love; words are not needed.”
-St. Teresa of Avila

Today’s Reflection:

Do you do all the talking in prayer? Take five minutes out of your daily prayer time to be silent, thus giving God a chance to “speak” if He so chooses, and to enjoy the Stillness of eternal Love.

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Prayer is a wine

February 24
“Prayer is a wine which makes glad the heart of man . . .”
-St. Bernard
Today’s Reflection: 
Prayer was not meant to be a chore or just something else to do. It’s supposed to be a tender and loving encounter with the One whom we know loves us like no other. What can you do to make your prayer more intimate and authentic?

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Prayer is the language of God

February 23
“To pray is the same thing as to speak.”
-St. Isidore of Seville (7th Century)
Today’s Reflection:
Prayer is the language of God. It’s the way we get to know Him, to trust Him, to love Him. When you speak to Him in prayer, do you take time to share your real feelings with Him, or do you just tell Him what you think He wants to hear?

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