The faithful, including priests and laity, turned out by the hundreds to protest a blasphemous black mass that was held in a heavy metal bar in Ottawa, Canada on Saturday night.
Tag Archives: black mass
Satan Loves OK City
Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
First it was the beheading of an innocent grandmother in a food distribution center, now it’s the crashing of a car into the well-known Ten Commandments monument at the state Capitol by a driver who claims Satan told him to do it. Oklahoma City appears to be having a hard time getting rid of the “guest” they invited into their city during a black mass last month.
Black Mass Bombs: Only 40 Attend
Tulsa Exorcist: Black Mass Attendees Risk Possession
The exorcist for the diocese of Tulsa is warning attendees of this Sunday’s black mass at the Oklahoma City Civic Center that they risk being possessed by the demons that are invoked in the ritual, especially if they are not in a state of grace, and is calling upon the faithful to engage in “intense prayer” to counter the evil of the rite.
OK Governor Condemns Black Mass
Exorcist Warns About Dangers of Public Black Masses
Here We Go Again: Oklahoma City to Stage “Black Mass”
Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Archbishop Paul Coakley of Oklahoma City is decrying a recent announcement by the Oklahoma City Civic Center stating their intent to host a “Black Mass performance” on September 21, 2014 which will be conducted by a local satanic church whose leader is a registered sex offender.
Relocated Black Mass Takes Place in Boston
Despite news of a last-minute cancellation of a black mass scheduled to take place in Harvard’s Queens Head Pub last night, the university’s newspaper is reporting that a mass did take place around 10:00 p.m. in the lounge of an off-campus restaurant.
60,000 Signatures Sent to Harvard President
Harvard Club to Host Black Mass With Consecrated Host
Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
UPDATE: 5/7/14: Priya Dua of the Satanic Temple just contacted us to say that she made a mistake and there will NOT be a consecrated host used at the mass. Also, Harvard has published a statement confirming that this “cultural” event will take place.
The Harvard Extension Cultural Studies Club is allegedly hosting a black mass on May 12 to be staged by The Satanic Temple and which will include a consecrated host.