Onerous Birth Control Mandate Officially Gone

At long-last, the onerous “birth control mandate” is now officially gone! The Department of Health and Human Service (HHS) issued a final rule yesterday that will provide conscience protections for Americans who have a religious or moral objection to health insurance that covers contraception methods.

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Judge Delivers Lethal Blow to Birth Control Mandate

In what is being called a smashing victory for religious freedom, U.S. District Court Judge David Russell has issued a ruling in which he declared the Obama Administration’s controversial “birth control mandate” to be a violation of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act and has stopped all enforcement of the mandate against dozens of Catholic dioceses and institutions.

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Little Sisters Case Moves Closer to Conclusion

little sisters of poorBoth sides of the lawsuit concerning the U.S. government’s controversial birth control mandate moved one-step closer to conclusion this week as the government and representatives of the Little Sisters filed court-ordered proposals for alternatives to the way the program is currently being run.

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New HHS Mandate Rules Disappoint

HHS mandate fightArchbishop Joseph E. Kurtz, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) and other religious leaders have expressed disappointment with the revisions made to the birth control mandate that still do not protect the consciences of those who object to this coverage on religious grounds.

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White House Promises Change to Contraception Mandate

Wheaton College in Illinois

Wheaton College in Illinois

The Obama Administration has announced that it is planning to revise a problematic rule requiring religious employers who wish to be exempt from providing contraceptive coverage to file paperwork with health insurance companies, but skeptics are taking a “wait and see” attitude toward the announcement.

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Judge Rules Against EWTN on Birth Control Mandate

U.S. District Court Judge Callie V.S. Granade of Mobile, Ala. issued an opinion on June 17 denying EWTN Global Catholic Network protection from the government mandate that it must provide coverage of contraception, abortion-inducing drugs and sterilization as part of its employee health care coverage.

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Ecumenical Letter Calls for Expanded Mandate Exemption

church and stateEven though the U.S. bishops are still examining the 100+ page final birth control mandate ruling issued last week, they have joined with Christian leaders representing 100 million Americans in issuing a letter to the people outlining why they need to be concerned about the government’s encroachment on religious freedom.

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