Just in in Time for Easter Sunday: Satan Sneakers

It’s all so predictable – the week before Easter and it’s either the release of an outrageous film about Jesus being married or the annual Easter Sunday Hunky Jesus and Foxy Mary contest sponsored by the witless Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence – now it’s Satan Sneakers that come equipped with pentagons and a drop of real human blood in the soles.

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Christian Student Defies Bigotry at UC Berkeley

Anti-Christian bigotry is on full-display at the University of California, Berkeley, and it’s all aimed at a junior named Isabella Chow, who is being severely punished for refusing to vote for a pro-LGBTQ+ bill; however this courageous young Christian has no intention of backing down.

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Vile Anti-Christian Play Opens on Broadway

The controversial play, known as Jerry Springer: The Opera, full of obscene references to Christian beliefs, opened on Broadway yesterday, raising new questions about why public funding is being used to support this kind of divisive “art.”

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