The Power of Sound: Can it Really Cure Autism, Dyslexia, ADD and Other Learning Disorders?

(Photo courtesy of Wikicommons images – Travis Isaacs CC BY 2.0 DEED)auditory inte

PR writes: “About ten years ago, my daughter who had some signs of autism was referred for Tomatis Therapy by her Speech Therapist. We had her in this type of therapy, as well as auditory integration therapy for several months. The therapy did terrible things to her brain, and we eventually stopped. (Ialso did some kind of sound therapy, which I realize now I should not have done). Is this a type of New Age practice? I am so thankful to EWTN and your program. I have always tried to be a faithful Catholic, but It is almost impossible without the proper resources.  This is not information we typically get from our parish priests.  Thank you for any information you can give me on this.”

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