Bullied Colorado Baker Experiencing Record Sales

Another attempt by homosexual activists to bully a businessman into supporting their lifestyle has backfired once again as a Colorado baker who refused to supply a same-sex couple with a wedding cake is now experiencing the same spike in sales from supporters that was experienced by Chick-fil-A last week.

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Black Pastors Bail on Obama

The long held assumption that President Barack Obama has the African American vote in his pocket was shaken up this week when the president of the Coalition of African-American Pastors (CAAP) announced the launching of a campaign asking black voters to refrain from voting for the president unless he reverses his stance on same-sex marriage.

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Cardinal George on Chick-fil-A and Chicago Values

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

In a hard-hitting column published on the website of the Archdiocese of Chicago, Cardinal Francis George reminds Chicago mayor Rahm Emmanuel and others who want to restrict the establishment of pro-marriage Chick-fil-A restaurants that it is not the role of government to dictate “values” to the population.

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Lesbians Sue Catholic Hospital

Just as Catholics across the nation rally for religious liberty, another front opens on the battlefield as a lesbian couple in New York filed suit against a Catholic hospital for not providing medical benefits a same-sex spouse – a suit that specifically calls upon the insurance provider not to acquiesce to the religious beliefs of a Catholic institution.

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