Study: Altered States More Common Than You Think

A new study has found that a surprising number of people experience altered states of consciousness while practicing yoga, mindfulness, meditation and breathwork, and some of these experiences are very negative.

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Is it Okay to Tell Fortunes with Regular Playing Cards?

Someone recently wrote to us asking if it’s okay to use a regular deck of cards to tell futures. This person has friends who are described as being “very devoted Catholics” who attend Mass and pray the rosary every day. They have strong faith, but love to read cards and are surprisingly accurate. Is this wrong?

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Heavenly food

July 13

“Jesus Christ took on flesh to come to us and save us both from original sin inherited from our first parents and the sins each of us commits every day – even involuntarily—because unfortunately we are limited. But the Eucharist is nothing other than the heavenly food that keeps us out of temptation. When in the Lord’s Prayer we say, ‘give us this day our daily bread, and lead us not into temptation,’ Jesus meant, ‘give us today the daily Eucharist.’”

–Blessed Carlo Acutis

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