Steinem Calls Planned Parenthood Most Important Organization in the World

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Journalist

During an appearance in Princeton, New Jersey last week, a 77 year-old Gloria Steinem told the audience “There is no organization in this country or the world that is more important than Planned Parenthood.”

The Times of Trenton is reporting that the aging feminist icon appeared in Princeton to stump for Planned Parenthood which is facing a plethora of funding battles in New Jersey and across the country.

Speaking to an audience of 400, she expressed surprised that people are still debating issues such as contraception, abortion and a woman’s right to choose.

“The right to choose whether or not to have or not have children is a fundamental human right,” she told the crowd. “There is no organization in this country or the world that is more important than Planned Parenthood.”

Representatives of Planned Parenthood were also in attendance, such as Michele Jaker, executive director of Planned Parenthood Affiliates of New Jersey. Commenting on the group of protestors who gathered outside the hotel, she said they had a right to be there and expressed hope that “they will energize a lot of our supporters to get out there and be just as vocal.”

Cheryl Curry of Hightstown said “People’s biggest misconception about Planned Parenthood is that we only offer abortions,” and stressed how the organization provides services to women who can’t afford a general practitioner.

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie stripped Planned Parenthood of $7.5 million in funds this year.

Meanwhile, students from Princeton University staged a peaceful protest outside the hotel.

“Planned Parenthood is the nation’s largest abortion provider,” said Kristin Hawkins of Students For Life America. “They are an abortion machine, and we are the pro-life generation. The message is we believe we will end abortion in our lifetime.”

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