Poll: Almost Half of Americans Support Ban on Same-Sex Marriage

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Journalist

A recent poll has found that nearly half of all Americans are in favor of a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage, while a majority believe the issue should be handled by the states, not the federal government.

Politico is reporting that an Associated Press poll surveyed 1,000 people in late August about whether or not there should be a constitutional amendment defining marriage as between one man and one women. Forty-eight percent said they would favor such a move, with 40 percent of those respondents saying they strongly favor an amendment. Forty-three percent said they oppose a ban on same sex marriage.

However, the same poll found that a majority (55%) of Americans believe same-sex marriage is a matter that should be left up to the states with only 39 percent saying they believe the federal government should be in charge of the marriage issue.

When asked whether their state should permit same-sex marriage, 45 percent said no and 42 percent said yes.

Legal unions enjoyed more support with more than half (57%) of those polled saying they believe same-sex couples should receive the same government benefits as married couples. Forty percent said they were against such recognition.

The latest state to give its residents a chance to vote on the issue is North Carolina. Voters will be able to vote on whether or not the state should adopt a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage in May 2012. 

Americans are not optimistic about the legalization of same-sex marriage with only 20 percent believing their state will ever pass such a law.

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