Advent Week One: A Time of Preparation, A Time of Prayer, Part III

Hopefully, your experience of praying Holy Scripture using the Lectio-Divina form of prayer was a good one. However, it can take a bit of perseverance if this is new to you. Do not be discouraged, but continue to call upon the assistance of the Holy Spirit.

One very effective means of becoming recollected for prayer, and dismissing distractions as well, is to “make a joyful noise unto the Lord,” through praise. Scripture tells us that God inhabits the praises of His people. When we praise God through song or words of love and adoration, the eyes of our heart are taken off of ourselves and placed on Him Who is always present to us. We praise God not because HE needs it, but because WE need it.

Today’s Spiritual Exercise

Using Lectio-Divina (Holy Reading), choose one or both of the following passages. Pray the following passage from Sacred Scripture. Employ a time of praise before opening to the passage, and remember to record in your journal any insights, inspirations, instruction or guidance you may receive:

John 3:16

1 Thess. 3:12-13

Happy praying!

Some resources to make your Advent more meaningful:

In Coversations with God: Advent/Christmas Edition
Dawn of the Messiah by Dr. Edward Sri
Watch and Pray: An Advent Reflection with Fr. Edmund Sylvia, C.S.C.

Copyright 2009, by Johnnette S. Benkovic. All rights reserved.

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