Why Feminists are Losing the War Against the Girl Scouts

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Journalist

Pro-abortion feminists are expsoing the weakness of their arguments by reacting harshly to a new website launched by two teens from Texas in which they prove the Girls Scouts have been taken over by pro-abortion feminists who are bent on indoctrinating young girls into their radical agenda.

The latest attack is coming from Robin Marty, former director of special projects for the progressive online news organization, the Center for Independent Media. Writing for RH Reality Check, a blog for “reproductive sexual health and justice”, Marty claims the SpeakNowGirlScouts blog written by Sydney and Tess Volanski is actually a front for their mother’s anti-Girl Scouts campaign which she claims has been in high gear for the last year.

“Christy [Volanski] has been bouncing from Pro-Catholic internet message boards to Facebook, and doing interviews with her daughter Sydney on the radio as early as the beginning of April,” Marty writes. 

“Prior to that, she was pushing her anti-Girl Scouts agenda on her own, on other Christian radio shows.  And even before that, way back in January, Christy was ‘contacting Abby [Johnson, former Planned Parenthood director] to see if she can help us with more facts linking Planned Parenthood  to the Girl Scouts.  May God bless her for her amazing courage!’ according to ‘Make The Girl Scouts Clean Again,’ a Facebook page she was highly active in discussions on.”

For some reason, Marty seems to see something sinister in the fact that Sydney and Tess may be working with their mother to expose the truth about the Girl Scout’s slide into radical causes, intimating that Christy Volanski is using her daughters in some way. It apparently has not occurred to her that Sydney and Tess are old enough to think for themselves and that not all girls their age fall for the misguided notion that promiscuity and abortion are somehow “liberating.”

“Still, outraged mother and former troop leader isn’t nearly the media hook that ‘teen sisters who used to be Scouts’ is,” Marty insists. “No wonder Christy isn’t in the blog . . . ”

Marty isn’t the only one reacting with rather obvious paranoia to the Volanski’s revealing expose. The blogosphere and mainstream media are attacking them with the usual labels. “New anti-abortion website targets Girls Scouts” shouts a May 16 headline at The American Independent.

The Independent’s article includes a statement by GSUSA spokesperson Michelle Tompkins who denied any affiliation with Planned Parenthood, saying they never had one and never plan on having one.

Tompkins reiterates the Scouts’ position of remaining neutral on issues pertaining to abortion and birth control, then goes on to contradict herself by saying that girls in individual troops throughout the country are allowed to work on projects on any issue, including abortion and birth control.

In fact, their official statement comes right out and says that their “position on health and sex education is that in some areas of the country, Girl Scout troops or groups may choose to hold discussions about human sexuality and may choose to collaborate with a local organization” such as Planned Parenthood “that specializes in these areas.” 

In other words, they say they’re neutral on abortion and birth control, but they don’t mean it enough to enforce it.

If this is the best argument the GSUSA and liberal media can wage against the Volanski teens and their allegedly over-bearing mother, I’d say the teens are well on their way to winning this debate.

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