Enter Into His Rest

I will never forget the early days of my walk with Christ Jesus as my Lord and Savior. I sang out loud, wore a permanent smile on my face, and quoted scripture to everyone I encountered, if they wanted to hear it or not. Within my soul was a burning desire to tell the world, “He lives.”

Even though I was a baby Christian, I had fallen in love with Jesus. I awoke early each morning to meet him in prayer. There was a stillness in my heart that took up residence. Jesus began to instruct me in His ways through His Word. I was a willing student. I listened attentively to His still small voice. He began to guide me, with His eyes upon me, and I willingly followed.

As I look back on my life, I can almost pinpoint the times I heard the Lord call my name. You see His love is freely given. When we are given the invitation, “Come follow me,” we are given the choice to freely respond or not.

This is how my journey to the heart of God began. In 1974, I had a dream in which I was baking cookies. As I stirred the cookie dough, the face of Jesus appeared in the bowl and he spoke these words to me, “I am the way and the truth and the life, and the only way to the Father is through me.” As I awoke the next morning, I was perplexed. What could it mean?

It was not until a few years later that these words began to make sense. I was at a prayer meeting and a gal spoke these words, “I am the way and the truth and the life, the only way to the Father is through me.” Filled with joy, I could not wait to tell her how my heart leaped when she spoke the same words Jesus had written on my heart.

This dream took place over 40 years ago, but it is as vivid as if it took place last night. I was grateful that gal was still enough to listen to the voice of God prompt her to speak forth that scripture. It was timely for me.

Jesus uses open vessels to draw others to himself. As we pause in prayer each day God may put a song in your heart, a word on your lips, or a scripture to turn to. It may not be for you. It may just be the word, song, or scripture that someone else was longing to hear.

One of my roles in the Body of Christ is what I call the walk and talk ministry. I go where He calls me to go and do what he asks me to do. I may have even met you! As I go about my day His way, He uses me, and sometimes I am unaware of it until later.

Along my way I have met many weary soldiers. Many are striving, many are fearful, many are in bondage, many know about Christ, but have not met Him for themselves My soul saddens when I encounter a follower of Christ Jesus our Lord who has accepted Him as Savior but spends their days trying to save themselves. Instead of walking in the freedom that Jesus alone can bring, they walk in more bondage than before. “The truth will set you free!” I want to shout out loud.

When I tell my testimony, I repeat the words God spoke to me, “I am the way and the truth and the life, the only way to the Father is through me.” Then I quickly add, “You see it is like an open book test, and Jesus gives you the answers. His Word is like a neon sign flashing, “This is the way, walk in it.” Be not afraid, He goes before us always. Follow Him and He will give you rest.

There is a place of rest that God is calling his people to, a place where they can hear Him call them by name. It is place of grace found in peaceful surrender, where you walk with Jesus by your side. Can you hear Him calling you to enter in? This is where true freedom is found!

©Ellen Mongan

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