Lost Conscience Protections Can be Restored!

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Journalist

Even though the Obama Administration has rescinded most of the conscience protection provisions that were in force since the end of President Bush’s second term, a bill that could restore many of these provisions is scheduled for an important Committee action tomorrow.

According to the Family Research Council (FRC), members of the House Judiciary Committee will be hosting a mark-up tomorrow of the “No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act” (HR 3) before its first vote. Sponsored by Reps. Chris Smith (R-NJ) and Dan Lipinski (D-IL), this bill will grant permanent protection to health care workers. It is only a few cosponsors short of 218, and once it hits that number, the legislation is guaranteed to have a floor vote and to pass.

HR 3, coupled with the “Protect Life Act” (H.R.358) and the “Abortion Non-Discrimination Act” (HR 361) will restore many of the vital conscience rights that were recently rescinded

” . . . (T)hese bills would stop a pro-abortion President like Obama from reaching into the medical community and using people’s moral convictions against them,” writes FRC president Tony Perkins.

“Instead, this legislation would expand the exemptions that HHS [Dept. of Health and Human Services] is rolling back. Of course, it would also build a wall between taxpayer dollars and pro-abortion programs. Right now, that wall is called the Hyde Amendment – but unfortunately, it has to be reauthorized every year to stay in effect. H.R. 3 would save Congress from that annual fight and strengthen the language that already exists.”

The FRC is urging all concerned citizens who have a representative serving on the House Judiciary Committee to call them today and urge them to attend tomorrow’s hearing.

They can also check this list to see if their representative has signed onto HR 3. If not, the FRC is urging them to call today and ask them to get on board!

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