Now is the Time to Demand Ethical COVID-19 Vaccines!

In the rush to create a vaccine to protect the public from the coronavirus, pharmaceutical companies are once again resorting to the use of aborted fetal cell lines. Now is the time to do as our Church advises and exercise our duty to demand that the healthcare system provide ethical vaccines.

Debi Vinnedge, Executive Director of Children of God for Life, is reporting on the discovery that Janssen Pharmaceutical, which is owned by Johnson and Johnson, is using technology derived from an aborted baby’s retinal tissue in a potential COVID-19 vaccine. Known as PER C6 Ad5 technology, which was derived from a healthy 18 week old aborted fetus, Janssen is working on a vaccine in spite of the fact that the FDA has never approved a vaccine derived from these fetal cells because of health risks.

“Residual DNA in vaccines derived from tumorigenic cells, including those transformed by Ad5, can pose potential risks to the vaccine recipient in two respects: oncogenicity and infectivity. Each of these biological properties must be considered and evaluated for each cell substrate,” the FDA concluded.

“This is about as irresponsible as the industry can get,” Vinnedge stated. “We have a worldwide pandemic where millions of people are in need of treatment and prevention of disease. Yet Johnson and Johnson is choosing to produce a vaccine that a large number of people of good conscience will refuse due to the aborted fetal cells!”

It is especially galling considering the fact that another pharmaceutical company, Sanofi Pasteur, is already at work on a vaccine that does not rely on aborted fetuses. Why can’t Janssen, whose parent company declares a belief in “acting ethically and responsibly” follow their example?

“How despicable that a company whose success was largely acquired from its’ products for living babies is trying to capitalize on the remains of a deliberately murdered one,” Vinnedge said.

Although the Catholic Church does allow the faithful to use vaccines derived from aborted fetal cell lines, this is only if no ethical alternative is available and the vaccine is needed to protect the public health.

The Vatican instruction Dignitas personae (n. 35) states that “grave reasons may be morally proportionate to justify” the use of these products, “for example, danger to the health of children could permit parents to use a vaccine which was developed using cell lines of illicit origin, while keeping in mind that everyone has the duty to make known their disagreement and to ask that their healthcare system make other types of vaccines available.”

Now is the time to insist that any COVID-19 vaccine made available to the public be free of any association with stem cells obtained from abortion.

Please use the following information to contact Johnson and Johnson and voice your concerns:

Johnson & Johnson
Alex Gorsky, CEO
One Johnson & Johnson Plaza
New Brunswick, New Jersey 08933
(732) 524-0400

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