How the American Library Association Is Trying to “Queer” Our Schools

The world’s largest library association gathered more than 21,000 members in this year’s annual conference which offered more than 100 workshops on subjects such as how to expand Drag Queen Story Hours at libraries, establish “Queer-Inclusive Elementary School Library Programming” in public schools, and handle resistance to their liberal agenda.

Writing for the Federalist, Joy Pullman, a mother of five who identifies as “gender natural,” the theme of this year’s conference was “equity, diversity, and inclusion.” With that kind of theme, it’s not surprising that a third of the workshops involved politically charged topics such as “A Child’s Room to Choose: Encouraging Gender Identity and Expression in School and Public Libraries,” “Are You Going to Tell My Parents?: The Minor’s Right to Privacy in the Library,” and “Developing an Online Face for a Lesbian Pulp Fiction Collection.” Extreme liberal bias was everywhere at this conference, even in its bisexual bathroom facilities.

As Pullman describes, the workshop titled “Telling Stories, Expanding Boundaries: Drag Queen Storytimes in Libraries” featured Michelle Tea, a lesbian who started drag queen events at a public library in San Francisco. It also featured a “drag queen storyteller” who read to the audience.

Because of how much controversy these story hours have caused across the country, how to handle the resistance was a hot topic at these workshops and explains why the ALA provides librarians with “crisis communication plans” to handle community objections.

Another workshop, entitled, “Creating Queer-Inclusive Elementary School Library Programming” discussed “ways to dismantle barriers” to such programs, including “crafting arguments,” “reviewing legislation,” and “listing talking points.”

“The description makes it clear that the workshop is not about only selecting books on this topic but also creating ‘services and programs,” Pullman reports, and adds: “Please note: The title says elementary school. That’s children younger than 13.”

An equally controversial workshop discussed underage children’s “privacy rights” from their parents which “explore[d] positive and proactive ways that libraries can protect minors’ privacy and confidentiality” while insisting that children “have a right to privacy and confidentiality in what they read and view in the library.”

Another workshop found participants brainstorming a list of book recommendations featuring “non-trad families” which included titles such as My Brother’s Husband and Pregnant Butch.

“All these people, and this large organization that serves almost exclusively public institutions, clearly feel completely comfortable broadcasting their cheerful feelings about queer sex — and other extremely politicized and controversial subjects — in public,” Pullman writes.

“Are all these supposedly well-read people completely ignorant of the fact that the majority of the world’s religions and religious adherents, which comprise the clear majority of the world today, plus the vast majority of cultures in world history, consider the kind of behavior they’re cheering depraved, damaging to children, self-harming, and socially destructive?”

Pullman goes on to report that at least half of America does not agree with bisexual bathrooms and are definitely not in favor of “queering” public elementary school libraries.

“How can we trust these librarians’ judgment and management of public resources after seeing this kind of bias, which is extreme to the point of open hostility against our deepest values?” Pullman asks.

“ALA’s leaders and workshop approval committees don’t have to agree, of course. But could they at least, as the woke say, engage in a bit of perspective-taking? Or would they prefer to continue abusing the public trust placed in them and the public institutions they influence? What do they think will be the outcomes of that decision?”

Elizabeth Johnson, aka Activisit Mommy, warns: “We must continue to fight back against the public library system and the ALA. This is not just a couple of rogue libraries throughout the country taking a chance. This is an organized, concerted effort to dominate political and social standards within our communities.”

The American public must fight back by contacting their representatives and demanding that their hard-earned dollars be invested in educational programs that better represent their values!

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