Daily Gracelines ADVENTure Day 11

December 12
Day 11: Daily Gracelines: ADVENTure with Mary
Theme: Advent is a time of faith.  We believe that He will come to us, simply because He said He would. In trusting Him, we commit everything we are and have to His care and disposal, following in the footsteps of His dear Mother.  In doing so, we exemplify faith in His promises.
Grace: I pray for the grace of faith during this holy Advent season, entrusting to Him my entire self.  I surrender my will in exchange for His.

Reflection:  “Behold, you have heard my mandate, my humble son; go and put forth all your effort.” -Our Lady of Guadalupe

Challenge:  During her first apparition, Our Lady of Guadalupe spoke these words.  Today, imagine our Mother speaking these words to your heart: “Daughter (or son), ‘go and put forth all your effort.'” What specific task are you being called to say “yes” to? How is God asking you to give your very own fiat this very day?  Take courage and have faith!

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