What the Church Needs Most – Prayer!

An Evening of Prayer and Reparation at the Parish of All Saints in Millville, NJ

During this time of trial in our Church, everyone is suffering – priests, bishops, the laity and the abused. Although consoling words and compassionate outreach can help to soothe wounded hearts, nothing can heal the wounds of the soul like dedicated prayer, which is why this parish in Millville, New Jersey decided to put aside an evening exclusively to pray for us all.

Thanks to the combined efforts of the parish staff at the Parish of All Saints and Susan Jacobsen, Women of Grace® Regional Coordinator for New Jersey, an Evening of Prayer and Reparation to our Blessed Mother was held October 16, 2018 in the parish church.

Beginning at 6:30 p.m., a small group of parishioners gathered together to plead with our Blessed Mother to implore the Trinity for healing of victims of sexual abuse and their families and to lead our priests and seminarians.

A highlight of the evening was the recitation of the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary with meditations by Kathleen Beckman, led by leaders of the parish community.

There was an opportunity to adore Jesus, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity reposed in the Tabernacle as the organist played “Ave Maria” and “Salve Regina.”

Other traditional hymns to Mary were sung including “On This Day, Oh Beautiful Mother” and “Hail Holy Queen.”

The deacon led the parishioners in reciting the beautiful Litany for Priests by Francis, Cardinal Spellman and gave a special blessing at the end of the evening.

Participants also kept a special intention in their hearts that night, given to them by their pastor, which was to pray for all the diocesan priests who were gathered at their annual Presbyteral Convocation with the bishop at the time.

Everyone who participated was very moved by the event with one parishioner commenting on the sense of peace he had during this time of prayer.

Another parishioner said she was very moved by the prayers and songs for intercession of our Blessed Mother.

The pastor, in his homily the following Sunday, commented on how grateful he was for the prayers as he attended the convocation. He also stated that when we pray for  reparation we join together with Christ for the salvation of the world.

“When Women of Grace© joined together with Foundation of Prayer for Priests they formed a powerful alliance at a critical time in our Church’s history,” said Susan Jacobsen, New Jersey Regional Coordinator.

“Our mission at Women of Grace© is to be spiritual mothers and what better way to live out this vocation than to devote ourselves to prayerfully supporting our Church, our clergy, and our brothers and sisters in the faith.”

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Does this sound like something you might want to arrange in your own parish? If so, contact Susan at sjacobsen@womenofgrace.com

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