Planned Parenthood’s Plan for Post-Roe America

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

In keeping with their usual tactic of using scare tactics and hyperbole to manipulate women, Planned Parenthood is unveiling its plan for how to provide abortion to women should the Supreme Court overturn Roe v. Wade.

The new plan, bearing the dishonest title of Care for All” (except the babies, of course) begins with the usual hysterics about how Brett Kavanaugh’s advancement to the Supreme Court could spell the end for Roe v. Wade.

“There are 13 abortion-related cases that are just one step away from the Supreme Court, and 20 states are poised to ban abortion should Roe v. Wade be overturned,” the Plan begins.

“Because of restrictions across the country, a large number of people already face nearly insurmountable barriers to accessing abortion or live in areas where they’re forced to travel hundreds of miles or across state lines just to access care. If Roe is gutted or overturned, that number will increase exponentially, leaving more than 25 million women — or one-third of women of reproductive age in this country — without access to safe, legal abortion in their own state.”

The first part of the three-part plan, which they disingenuously entitle “Access to Health Care” rather than the more accurate title of “Access to Abortion,” involves expanding abortion services in states where it is likely to remain legal even after Roe is overturned such as California and Illinois. They plan on establishing a Regional Access Network where they will offer “telemedicine” and technology to help connect women to services.

“This is a robust network of Planned Parenthood and independent health care providers that will serve as crucial access points for people living in states where abortion either becomes inaccessible or is banned completely,” they write. “For example, in California, one of the few states that constitutionally and statutorily protects the right to abortion, Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California is seeking ways to increase access to abortion for people with low incomes, including financial support for women who have to travel long distances, as well as planning how to facilitate telehealth care and transportation for patients facing obstacles to care.”

In Illinois, Planned Parenthood is aggressively expanding their services and will soon offer medication abortion at 17 health centers in Illinois. Of course, they don’t dare mention the major study just conducted in Sweden which found an alarming uptick in the number of complications from these types of abortion. Their only interest is to expand access, regardless of its impact on women’s health.

Part Two of their plan, entitled “Policy” is to continue in their efforts to shut down legislative efforts to improve safety regulations at abortion clinics, many of which receive fewer health department inspections than nail salons, all thanks to Planned Parenthood’s lobbying efforts. While vowing to continue to fight “bad laws” (such as requiring clinics to have hallways wide enough for emergency gurneys and doctors to have admitting privileges in nearby hospitals in the event of emergencies, etc.) they brag about how they managed to block or delay 93 percent of state-level “abortion restrictions” introduced in 2018.

“Planned Parenthood Action Fund will kick off the 2019 legislative session by doubling down on this work,” they promise, and will increase their efforts to create policy change in 10 of the states needed to create their Regional Access Network.

The last part of their plan, “Culture Change” involves a campaign to eliminate the stigma that surrounds abortion in this country.

“We’ll be enhancing our efforts to de-stigmatize abortion in the media and across popular culture — including working with the music, fashion, movie, and television industries, and announcing additional public awareness campaigns in the coming months. No patient should ever delay seeking care because they fear they’ll be judged; nor should providers be harassed for providing care that patients want and need.”

This part of the plan involves escalating their work with content creators to produce “honest and authentic portrayals of abortion in film and television” which, when translated from their typical double-speak, means promoting only Planned Parenthood’s view of abortion. That they have absolutely no desire to be honest and authentic about abortion was clearly evidenced in Austin, Texas recently where the local Planned Parenthood managed to shut down a screening of the film, Gosnell: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer, which documents the true story of an abortionist who was convicted of murdering babies who survived abortion and killing a woman in a botched abortion, all of which took place in his filthy clinic which hadn’t been inspected in years. The film had to be shut down, not only for its real-life content, but because it interfered with a fundraising gala.

It seems hard to believe that the country’s largest abortion provider, who is under federal investigation for selling fetal body parts, has had numerous charges of covering up sex trafficking and the sexual abuse of minors is audacious enough to believe it is in a position to educate people about what abortion is and why it’s an important part of reproductive health care!

In lieu of all of the above, no one should be surprised that the outline of this “Plan” ends by quoting a fatally flawed poll which found that a majority of Americans did not want to see Roe v. Wade overturned. In reality, accurate polls arrive at the opposite conclusion.

“We began working on this plan before Trump and Pence took office, and we’re kicking it into high gear today,” PPAF executive vice president Dawn Laguens declared. “We demand a world where who you are or how much money you make doesn’t determine your access to health care or access to safe, legal abortion. We demand a world where your personal health care decisions aren’t affected by stigma, shame, or silence.”

It’s hard to listen to such heroic talk from an employee of an organization that has systematically destroyed more than eight million Americans while doing nothing to support the majority of women who come to them under pressure to abort by loved ones or circumstances.

Let us join together in prayer that Planned Parenthood’s new plan will not only come to nothing, but one day be seen as the long-awaited swan song of a truly murderous enterprise.

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