Patient Forbearance

August 21

“True charity consists in putting up with one’s neighbor’s faults, never being surprised by his weakness, and being inspired by the least of his virtues.”
-St. Therese of Lisieux
Today’s Reflection:
What she so perfectly describes is the virtue of patient forbearance, the virtue that helps us to love our neighbor as we love ourselves even when he is irksome, irritable, annoying, or just plain grumpy!  To be sure, this is a difficult virtue to cultivate.  It requires that we die to self and choose love instead.  It requires that we “reframe” the irritation and see it as a “moment of grace” to make a loving sacrifice on our neighbor’s behalf.  It requires that we exhibit heroic virtue and attach our displeasure to the Cross of Jesus Christ.  And, it requires that we show the true face of God’s love despite the battle raging within us.

Quote and Reflection taken from:
Experience Grace in Abundance: Ten Strategies for Your Spiritual Life
by Johnnette S. Benkovic
To purchase, click image below!


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