Let’s Not Forget Our Good Priests!

In an era when all we hear about are bad priests, ChurchPOP published a refreshing story about a priest who was willing to get out of line at a fast-food drive-through just to hear one person’s confession.

ChurchPOP is reporting on the story of Father Goyo Hilago of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles who pulled up to the window at a fast-food restaurant and got ready to order. But instead of being asked what he wanted, the cashier had something else on his mind. The conversation, which Father Goyo recorded on Twitter, went something like this:

“Me @ Carl’s Jr drive through / Cashier: “oh hi. Are you a real priest?” / ME: “Well, yes of course.” / Cashier: “do you do confessions?” / ME: “among other things.” / Cashier: “I haven’t been in many years and…” / ME: “I am parking right now.” / God’s always ready to forgive / #BeReadytoo”.

The exchange elicited a lively response on Twitter.

One person wrote, “A wonderful response. Most would tell when confessions are held at the church. Wow.”

To which Father Goyo humbly replied, “I am not always that good. Sometimes I am in a hurry . . .”

Another complained that the church closest to him only has Confession 30 minutes on a Saturday, and that’s only if the priest is on time.

Father Goyo said his parish has Confessions for three hours on Saturday and “it’s never enough time.”

He went on to say: “A holy priest once told me ‘if you want your parish to be vibrant and have many people, have many hours for confessions and sit in that confessional for hours until you can see the mercy of God walking through the doors’. He was right.”

These days, the only priest stories we hear about are those involving men who abused their position and caused irreparable harm to their innocent victims.

Thanks be to God that these men are in the minority and our world is still full of very good priests who are devoted to serving the faithful.

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