He will Provide

July 13

“You will be given at that moment what you are to say.”

In the Gospel of Matthew today, Jesus tells the Apostles that when they are handed over, there is no need to worry about how to speak or what to say, because they will be given at that moment what to say as the Holy Spirit speaks through them.

This calls to mind the importance of inviting the Holy Spirit on this journey of life each day. Daily interactions with others, life decisions, and minor/major inconveniences are handled a WHOLE LOT differently if I know the Holy Spirit is there first, guiding my conversations, helping me discern, and reminding me to offer things up!

That’s the thing- He will provide, and, guess what?! He wants to!

Your health? Your family struggles? Your education and career paths? Your marriage? Your parenting? Your future spouse? He has the keys. You just have to trust Him.

What is it you’re struggling with? Say it out loud, and invite Him in. And continue to, even if you don’t always believe it. And then sit back, and watch Him surprise you.

Father, your ways are SO much higher than mine. Teach me to trust you, and grace me with your faith. Humble me so I know I am nothing without you. I cannot wait for the surprises you have in store!

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