
July 12

“The more I called them, the farther they went from me.”

When you were a kid, were you the type of child who listened and did what you were told? Did you trust without question and adhere to the rules? Or, were you like me, and a little more rebellious? Did you have a desire to find things out on your own because of too large a need for curiosity? If you’re like me, the results weren’t usually as positive as the good kids who did what they were told!

I try and think of how God must have felt, how he currently feels, when His people just do not listen. He promises us all the desires of our heart, yet we think we know our hearts better. He guarantees us the Kingdom of Heaven if only we believe in Him and follow His commands; we prefer this earthly kingdom and make our own rules. He entrusts us with the gift of life-our very own body, mind, and soul, yet we take possession of it and think it belongs to us.

How often do we break His most perfect heart by our childish and self-centered ways! Yet, He continues to call us and desires our return. We are each the prodigal in our own way.
One of my favorite quotes is, “We have enough crosses to bear; we don’t need to create more for ourselves.” It’s time to go home. When are you going to stop running away from Him, and instead, throw yourself into His arms?

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