Jesus, I Offer You My Nothingness

A prayer by Ellen Mongan

Jesus, I offer You myself today, in my nothingness.
As I begin a new day, let me live in You, for You and through You.
I come as a beggar asking You Jesus, to use me as a vessel of Your love.
I seek You alone…Please fill me with Your unending love, so I can pour it out on everyone I meet.
If You do not fill me, I will have nothing to give them.

Let me be the hands of Veronica today to wipe the face of a stranger, who is suffering,
Because that it was You did Jesus!

Let me be Simeon to help shoulder someone’s Cross on my journey today,
Because that is what You did Jesus!

Let me be hospitable like Martha, Mary and Lazarus to friends and to strangers alike today.
Because that is what You did Jesus!

Let me give as the “widow’s mite” and not count the cost. Today may I give not only of my treasure but also, let me take the time to use my gifts to bless others today,
Because that is what You did Jesus!

Let me always see another’s need as greater than my own today and every day,
Because that is what You did Jesus!

Let me be Your disciple.
Let me be willing to tirelessly teach the faith in love to those who seek Your truth.
Because that is what You did Jesus!

Let me be Your words of wisdom to the next generation.
Let me reach out to them with motherly arms,
Because that is what Your Mother did Jesus!

Let me be bold, yet gentle like Your servant Esther, if I come face to face with a Royal King, or a little child. Let me be kind and submissive, yet prudent like Your servant Abigail to the strangers along life’s journey. Let me be a woman of faith like Sarah, of patience like Elizabeth, and honoring like Ruth.
Most of all Jesus let me always completely surrender to Your plan for my life as the Blessed Mother did.

Give me eyes to see all I encounter thru Your eyes, because Your eyes are eyes of love and compassion.
Let me not miss the present moment to see You in each person I meet.
Since that moment may never come my way again, let me show them Your loving care,
Because that is what You would do Jesus!

Give me ears to hear Your voice as I speak to each stranger or friend I meet today.
Give me the ability to take the time to listen between the lines as they speak.
Give me an understanding heart by listening intently since that conversation may never take place again,
Give me the self control and patience to take the time now,
Because that is what You would do Jesus!

Let me be Your hands today Jesus, hands that willingly meet the needs of those You bring to me.
Give me hard working hands and a giving heart to serve them. I know this opportunity to serve them may not come my way ever again. So give me the grace to say, “Yes,” without any stress.
One thing I know, if You want me to serve them You will give me the grace I need.
You will also keep me in perfect peace, so help me to have a Servant’s heart,
Because You would do that Jesus!

Let me open my heart wide today to love and be loved out of love for You.
Freely pour into my heart Your love and fill me to overflowing.
Let me not keep this love for myself, rather let me pour this love out on all I meet for I know I may not pass this way again,
Because You would do that Jesus!

I am nothing without You and without You today I can do nothing good at all.
I begin this day empty of myself before You and to give You my willing, “Yes!”…I surrender to Your will.
I call upon You again to fill me with Your love because You are the source of love.
Let me love Your people today and be Your vessel of love.
Let me draw others to Your love.
Let me love others into the Kingdom.
“Here I am Lord I have come to do Your will today.”

My willingness and my nothingness is all I have to give You.
Jesus, I love You.


Ellen Mongan is a Catholic writer, speaker and the host of WOW Radio Podcasts. She is married to Deacon Patrick Mongan, M.D., and they have seven children, one baby in heaven, and thirteen grandchildren. She goes where God calls her to go, and does what God calls her to do with His grace.

©Ellen Mongan. All Rights Reserved.

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