“Passion of Christ” Sequel is Coming!

Jim Caviezel playing Luke in “Paul, Apostle of Christ”,” opening in theaters March 28. (YouTube)

Word is slowly getting out that Mel Gibson plans to shoot a sequel to the blockbuster, The Passion of Christ, and Jim Caviezel, who so famously played Jesus in the film, says he is definitely on board!

USA Today is reporting on the interview with the 49 year-old Caviezel who confirmed that he will return to playing the role of Jesus in the new film which will focus on the resurrection of Christ.

But he’s offering few other details. “There are things that I cannot say that will shock the audience,” he said. “It’s great. Stay tuned.”

Pleased with this talks with Gibson and the direction the project is taking, Caviezel added: “I won’t tell you how he’s going to go about it. But I’ll tell you this much, the film he’s going to do is going to be the biggest film in history. It’s that good.”

It shouldn’t be too tough for Gibson to produce another blockbuster after successfully directing and producing The Passion of Christ in 2004 which became the highest-grossing R-rated film in North America. Considered a milestone in faith-based film making, it cost only $30 million to produce and earned more than $600 million worldwide. It raked in $370.8 million in the U.S. alone.

In the meantime, Caviezel will be appearing in a new film, Paul, Apostle of Christ, which is scheduled to open in theaters on March 28. He will play Luke in the film alongside James Faulkner who plays Paul.

According to the website, the story details Paul’s incarceration in a Roman prison during the time of Nero and the struggle he endures while awaiting his death sentence. As his friend and physician, Luke visits him even though he risks his life every time he enters the city. The gripping film portrays the struggles and determination of the first Christians who face a murderous emperor as well as the frailties of the human spirit for the sake of bringing the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world.

As World Net Daily reports, Caviezel revved up the crowd at the Fellowship of Catholic University Students SLS Leadership Conference in Chicago last month by warning about false Christianity and urging believers to go public with their faith.

“I want you to go out into this pagan world, I want you to have the courage to step into this pagan world and shamelessly express your faith in public. The world needs proud warriors animated by their faith,” he said.

“Warriors like Saint Paul and Saint Luke who risked their names, their reputations to take their faith, their love for Jesus into the world.”

You weren’t made to fit in, he told the crowd, but were born to stand out.

“We must shake off this indifference, this destructive tolerance of evil. But only our faith and the wisdom of Christ can save us,” he said. “But it requires warriors, ready to risk their reputations, their names, even our very lives, to stand for the truth.”

“By God, we must live,” Caviezel concluded, “and with the Holy Spirit as your shield and Christ as your sword, may you join St. Michael and all the angels in sending Lucifer and his henchmen straight right back to hell where they belong!”

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