Day 28: Daily Gracelines – Advent Journey with Mary

Theme: Advent is a time of waiting and preparing for the coming of the Savior. Mary, the Mother of God, waits patiently for the birth of her Son and Savior, Jesus Christ to Whom she has given her life.
Grace: I pray for the grace of Marian surrender and anticipation of the Savior during this holy Advent and Christmas season.

A little girl had wandered in the night, and now withinMary adoring Jesus 2
The shadows of a broken stall, was waiting, while the
Night winds and the breath of time were moving over her.
The beat of pulses and the hush of heat had made a silence
More intent within surrounding silence. Deepening of night.
…And then a moment’s fall, …A sigh, unheard within the dark,
And then…She…wrapped him up in swaddling clothes, and
Laid Him in a manger. She knelt and held Him close against
Her heart, and in the midnight, adoration fused with human love,
And was not separate. And very near, the man Joseph came.
He was the first to find her thus, the first of all the world.
And when her faint smile called for him to take Him for a breathless
Moment, he was first to know there is no other blessedness.

Excerpts from A Woman Wrapped In Silence by John W. Lynch, reprinted by permission of Paulist Press, Inc


For Reflection:

What is Mary’s interior response to Jesus? Joseph’s? What is your response to Jesus when you behold Him in the Blessed Sacrament? When you receive Him into your being at Holy Communion? How can you increase your devotion to the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ? Entrust to Mary, Mother of God, your reception of her Son. Her intercession will yield abundant fruit, the Fruit of her womb.


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